Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lessons Learned at a Neighborhood Craft Show (Sweetheart Fest)
1.  Nothing is as it Seems
When I arrived at 8:15 a.m., the temperature for an area that is usually always sunny and hot, was an unseasonably cold 45 degrees.  The wind was making the tents sway so significantly they had to bring in concrete blocks to stabilize them.  My hair was whipping violently across my face as I was standing in the parking lot, waiting for the shuttle to bring me to the set-up area.  At that moment, two thoughts occurred to me:
    1.    I don't know that my light folding table won't just topple over with a strong gust, throwing my jewelry onto the asphalt, as I am trying to set up and,
    2.    Maybe I should blow-off what will, obviously, be a useless day
Lesson Learned:  Although it was so cold that my nose stung with each gust of icy wind, I stuck to my commitment and everything stayed in place. Plus, since it wasn't our usual humid weather, I had an excellent hair day!

2.    It's Nice to be Told that People Like your Work
Selling online is very difficult because if you are not selling regularly, you aren't getting any feedback about your work.  It's hard to stay motivated to create, without that positive feedback.  As I was setting up my jewelry, I had people walking up complimenting my pieces, saying....
    1.    "how pretty"
    2.    "what beautiful stones" 
    3.    "well worth the price"
Lesson Learned:  My jewelry really is beautiful and it feels good to be told how much people like it!


3.    How you Measure Success, Determines if You are Successful
Being a part of the event, participating, bringing joy to people through your work, can make a sales experience successful.  Meeting people who fall in love with a piece you have created and choose that piece as their Valentine's Day gift, is a meaningful and significant honor that is very rewarding. 
    1.    Having someone else love my favorite piece feels good and,
    2.    Making a few sales during what seemed like a lost day is very exciting
Lesson Learned:  As good as it feels to make that sale, you do miss the pieces that you have put your heart into...but it still feels real good!
Additional Lesson Learned:  I can't wait to do it again!   PS...ALL 3 OF THESE PIECES SOLD AT SWEETHEART FEST!!!
What lessons have you learned?


  1. Great lessons learned. I am going to start doing craft shows so thanks for this!



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